Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It Changes by the Minute Around Here

I played "text-tag" with Josh all morning. I was trying to figure out where the game was, what group he was pitching with, what inning he'd be pitching so that I didn't have to chase McKenzie around in circles for 9 innings, etc. Details, details, details. I think it's girl thing. I've got to have it all figured out right here & right now. 

To offset my nervous energy, I decided to clean the bathroom that I had been avoiding for over a week. While I do despise it, cleaning does wonderful things for the soul. Scrubbing toilets is an ideal setting for praying, which at least deflects the disgusting nature of the job at hand. So I scrubbed and I prayed and scrubbed and prayed some more. 

Then the phone rang. It was Josh. He didn't have to throw in the game this afternoon. The powers-that-be gave him the option of throwing in a simulated game or going to the 1 o'clock game and pitching an inning. Running on 2 hours of sleep, he opted for the simulated game and would be ready to go at 1 pm. 

My heart soared! It was such a relief in so many ways. He was done pitching and had done great! Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord! He would be done at 1 and could come home and sleep. He definitely needed it. Finally, I did not have to be brave and go be the lone female in the baseball pack of alpha males for two hours while chasing my precious little energy-ball of enthusiasm around in circles. 

Everyone is napping now and I plan on joining them. Actually I might sit down and read "Pride and Prejudice" for the 7th or 8th time. I was craving something familiar so my mom thoughtfully sent me my original paperback Penguin edition of Jane Austen's classic. Opening the book and seeing the words I underlined and my younger sisters' impressions of the book and the date they finished reading it inscribed in the back flap was like getting a bear hug from home. I can't wait to savour the familiar story one more time. 

With that, I will sign off for the day. Josh remains on the Norfolk roster, for which we humbly thank our gracious heavenly Father. Thank you for your effectual prayers. Please continue to ask that the Lord grant Josh favor in the sight of the coordinators as they make the final roster decisions and that if it be God's will we break camp with triple-A. 

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that his way may be known on earth, his saving power to all nations. 

Psalm 67:1-3 


Lindsay said...

Jane Austen makes everything better!! :)

Jill said...

sounds as though you all need a good nap. Yes, cleaning is good for the soul and the best therapy around. Will continue to send good thoughts and prayers that the coordinators see Josh the way we do!

Unknown said...

ah, my dearest steph,
a good solid p&p marathon would do wonders for the soul, wouldn't it? last summer as you girls were spread all over the world, jane austen and catherine marshall were my great comforts! our prayers are covering you all. we too are confident in God's goodness and mercy towards our precious perrault peeps!
always yours, momma xxxo