Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The last two weeks have been not too busy and not too slow. Just busy enough that I did not have the time or energy to blog and just slow enough that I had nothing remarkable to relate. The first week we enjoyed a visit from our good friends Ken and Karen, McK and I battled colds, and endured a miserable, rainy, nearly four hour ballgame in which Josh pitched 2.1 innings and I was the object of an irate usher's screaming tirade.

The second week was filled with jogging in sauna-like weather, watching Josh pitch at Fenway Park in a minor league promotion called Futures at Fenway, and being berated by my two year old. I have come to the conclusion that parenting a two year old is a great way to daily take up the cross and follow Jesus by dying to one's self, one's plans, one's desires, and one's pride.

A two year old will slaughter pride effortlessly. Take for instance the child who upon entering a baseball stadium goes cavorting down concrete steps at neck breaking speed just to irritate her mother who finally catches up to her and is treated to a back arching, ear-splitting entrance to Section 100 (the one directly behind home plate). To complete the tableau a random fan in the adjacent section feels the necessity to offer his laughing assistance, which is actually the last thing one should offer a mother with a recalcitrant child, unless you are looking for a knuckle sandwich.

In between all that, McK and I had a great time hanging out with our host "parents" Steve and Kay, who are practically like an aunt and uncle. They took great care of us while Josh was gone. Steve made some delicious bean burritos one evening, which were worthy of any Mexican food restaurant back home. Friday evening we went out on the town for "First Friday" in Old Town Portsmouth and Saturday Steve grilled some mammoth steaks in honor of a friend's birthday.

First Friday is a city wide happy hour. All the shops stay open late and there are bands playing on the street. Kay owns a stationary shop, so while she finished up at the store, Steve and McK and I strolled up and down High Street. McK painted her face with a cherry snow cone and Steve and I tasted some addictive garlic & chive cheese at a wine bar called Angry Adams. When Kay was done we ate dinner at Roger Brown's, a cavernous sports bar and grill similar to an ESPN Zone or a Damion's Bar and Grill.

Saturday afternoon we were able to watch Josh's game at Fenway Park on MiLB TV. It is 11 hours from here to Boston, so McK and I couldn't go. I was bummed I was going to miss it, but was ecstatic to find it available through Josh texted a few pictures before the game. They are a little fuzzy but fun nevertheless. One is take from the spot in right field where Ted Williams hit a home run over 500 feet. Incredible.

Right now it is pouring buckets of rain and I just had to go move the car because Waverly St is a river. Anyway...I hope your week is blessed and filled with God's grace and mercy. Off to watch the rain...


Anonymous said...

Yea you are back! I always love hearing about your adventures! We love you guys and miss you! I blessed by your friendship!

Jill said...

Sounds as though you faced a few challenges, but I'm sure you came through with grace and a smile! One day you will look back on McK's adventures in the ball park and smile.

So cool that Josh got to play at Fenway!

Anonymous said...

We've had a great time following Josh in AAA - it's exciting to see him pitching strong! We miss you all, and we're already looking forward to seeing you at HOME in December.

Love you!


Unknown said...

dearest daughter of mine,
your transparency rocks my soul!
may God ever so graciously bless
your life in aaa norfolk and beyond!
just a few more weeks till you all
are home again---what a precious
all my love, momma xxxo

faustina said...

Dear girlfriend, I cannot imagine an umpire blasting away at YOU for any reason. Surely his tirade was aimed at someone in your vicinity, perhaps a two-year-old someone?
Congrats to Josh on the Fenway Park pitching! I bet THAT was exciting and sure wish I could have been there!