There are only 5 more days of wandering in the desert, so before we cross the Jordan and leave the wilderness behind, I thought I would give you a recap of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the last six weeks.
The good~
A week after we arrived, I met a mom at the park with kids McKenzie's age who was really friendly and invited us to a local church play group. Since then, she has had us over for lunch, included us in their activities and really opened their lives to us. Wow...what a blessing!!
Our family visited for a weekend. It was fun to see everyone and McKenzie had a blast with her cousins! Thanks guys!!
We were able to go to church as a family...something that hardly ever happens once the season starts.
I read good books- some that I have ready many times, others that were brand new.
McKenzie and I got to spend the day with my friend Maria who we spent lots of time with last year in Bowie.
Josh and I made some yummy meals together. Turns out, Josh has quite the culinary bent. I have to be careful though, if I send him grocery shopping by himself, he might come back with half the store. In his defense, what he makes is always delicious. His latest foray into the kitchen resulted in jumbo coconut shrimp with marmalade rum dipping sauce.
McKenzie got to take a dance class, which was quite the growing experience. Being still and listening to instructions is not exactly her strong suit. It was a very good exercise in all respects.
The bad and the ugly~
Feeling sick to my stomach for the first month was not the most fun way to begin spring training.
It was rather unpleasant to be cooped up in a 700 sq at apartment with a very active 3 year old while the weather was cold and yucky for the first few weeks.
There is no table in this apartment. For the last 6 weeks I have eaten standing up. Definitely wouldn't recommend it.
Having no bedside lamp to read at night. That may not sound like a big deal, but to me it was thoroughly disconcerting. Reading in bed is my wind down time. Life without transitions is incredibly abrupt.
Not feeling well enough to plan dinner. I used to be a pretty good cook and I could plan things out for a whole week. Pregnancy has washed all that down the drain. Oh well...
I have only seen Josh pitch three times. The other times he pitched were away games and I only went to one, which he didn't play in, of course.
Not having a lot to do and not feeling well enough to do a lot. Let me assure you that there is really nothing good to watch on TV, except maybe Jeopardy, and 24, if you like violence and never ending suspense. Other than that...Disney Channel and Nick Jr. are the only other options, and believe me, I've watched way more of those two channels in the past 6 weeks than I care to admit. time you hear someone comment that the life of a professional athlete must be so glamorous and exciting and probably just like a vacation all the time, please set the record straight and tell them that it is hard work just like anything else and feels very little like vacation.
But let not your heart be troubled...
Let me emphasize that in the midst of it all, God has been so good and faithful and continues to awe us with His provision and love. This life really forces us to throw ourselves upon His promises as there are really no assurances in baseball. Time and again He shows Himself strong and mighty and we praise Him for that. We know that He will never leave us or forsake us and that He will lead us in a good path for His glory. It is so exciting to be able to live that out, knowing that Christ, who conquered sin, and death, and the devil, through His death and resurrection on the cross, is more than able to take care of our little cares and worries.
We pray that you all have a blessed Easter or Passover celebration remembering the faithfulness of God and His love for His children. By that time, we will be able to tell you where we are headed.
Much love from Florida...
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