A week or so ago, my sister-in-law sent me
this article written by a grandmother yearning to be a young mom again. Sometimes as young moms and dads it is so easy to get so caught up in the inconveniences- the snotty noses, the wet pants, or the dirty laundry. We forget that this is a VERY short phase of life and that more than anything we should treasure each precious moment with our little ones.
It doesn't take long to go from this...

to this...

to this.
What a great article. Thanks for sharing. Time sure does fly by, doesn't it?
Oh, Munchie Doodle!! What a BIG sister you really are! The times they are a' changin' and changin' faster than the speed of light!
Loving you all to the moon and back!
Dede--who just a few years ago, was only "Momma"
good article, mups! thanks for sharing :) missing you gals so much!!!
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