As for the routine, that didn't take long. Josh is working at Southwest Sod, where he is busy planting perennial rye- the lush green grass you see in Arizona in the winter. Before heading to the farm in the morning, he enjoys the competition of a Cross Fit workout at Competitive Fitness with his buddy Aaron and my brother Clint. McKenzie's week revolves around Sunday School and Jazz and Tumbling at Leap of Faith in Gilbert. My week is punctuated by Bible study on Wednesday's and figuring out what to cook for dinner every other night of the week.
Miss Harper has yet to arrive and we are all in a state of great expectation. Just a side note...Castor oil is not a fail proof labor inducer. McKenzie is practicing how to be a big sister. She loves to dress her baby dolls for the day, feed them at meal time, and put them to bed at night. Thanks to her Grandma Lois and Dede, she has lots of babies and baby equipment. She is all set and ready to go. She and I have been doing lots of walking/jogging in our new double jogging stroller. McKenzie dubbed it "Wall-E." He is quite the ride. Miss Harper needs to get on the ball and get here.
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