Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen!

Up from the grave he arose; 
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes; 
he arose a victor from the 
dark domain, and he lives forever, 
with his saints to reign. 
He arose! He arose!
 Hallelujah! Christ arose!

What a joy to wake up this morning, the bright sunshine streaming in the window, knowing that that Christ is risen; He is risen indeed. Though our little family is not together to celebrate this glorious Resurrection Day, we are rejoicing in the salvation purchased by our Savior Jesus, and in the countless blessings He has richly lavished on us! Josh doesn't play today, but will be traveling from Akron to Erie this afternoon and then will be enjoying the final round of the Master's tournament when he arrives in Erie, which boasts a high of 47 today. McKenzie and I are spending Easter with our good friends Karen and Ken, our host family from two years ago when Josh played for the Potomac Nationals. They live in Gainesville, VA, which is 1-2 hours from Bowie, depending on the traffic on the Beltway. 

We drove down to Gainesville on Wednesday. We are so incredibly blessed to have such wonderful friends, no, such wonderful family! Karen and McKenzie and I went to a Passion play Friday, and Easter service last night at Karen's church. McKenzie woke up to Easter eggs hidden down the stairs, and a HUGE Easter basket filled with all sorts of treats from Miss Karen and Mr. Ken. We are just sitting down to eat a delicious breakfast of eggs, pancakes, and bacon Ken prepared. Later today, Karen and I will be cooking Easter dinner, which will include some deer sausage from the deer Ken got a few months ago. Yummy!! Can't wait. 

We hope and pray that you have a blessed celebration of our precious Lord's resurrection and pray that you know the joy and freedom of that first Easter morning! 

Much love from all the Perraults!! 

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