Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Livin' on a Prayer

Josh left this afternoon on a road trip to the chilly, snow laden city of Akron, Ohio and the equally frigid Erie, Pennsylvania. He will be back next Wednesday/Thursday, depending on if the bus arrives before midnight or not. McKenzie and I are holding down the hotel room here in Bowie, praying that a family opens their home to us, very soon. 

This is the first time in my "baseball career" that I have no idea of where we are going to live. Before there has always been a friend of a friend, etc., but this year, the Lord saw fit to stretch our spiritual muscles a little bit and is asking us to trust Him completely.  

King David told the Lord in Psalm 142: When my spirit faints within me, you know my way. I admit that my spirit is feeling a little faint, but it is a comfort to know that our gracious Father knows the way and is guiding us down His perfect path. 

I know you are all praying faithfully for us, and we appreciate that more than words can say. Please continue to pray that the Lord guides us to the right "home" and that He strengthens Josh as he begins the season tomorrow. 

We pray that you have a delightful, joyful week anticipating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. 


Anonymous said...

Steph, you are an amazing wife and partner for Josh! He is truly blessed to have you! We are praying for the perfect host family ofr the 3 of you! I love you friend!

Anonymous said...

Steph, we put our N. Virginia "feelers" out for you today. Quinn has a friend from Bowie, so I just sent him and e-mail and we also know some people outside of Alexandria that might have contacts closer to Bowie!

Unknown said...

Well, dearest Perrault Peeps,
It's time to wish you all Happy Easter!! What a glorious celebration we participate in with believers all over this planet--He is Risen!!!
Munch, are you hunting Easter eggs at Ken & Karen's house?? I know the Easter Bunny found you, cuz he told me your surprises were on their way! (Dede's have special privileges with the likes of Easter Bunny & Santa Claus!)
Josh, good job in that first out-
ing! We're praying for you on this
Easter day so far from your girls.
Mups--hugs and kisses to our very
own minor league mama!
Blessings to you and Munch and Josh from your loud, obnoxious herd!
I love you, Momma xxxo